Just outside of The Most Magical Place on Earth lies the quaint and charming community of Celebration. The moment you step foot into Celebration, it no longer feels like you’re in one of the largest tourist destinations in the United States. Instead, it feels like you’re in a small town that looks like it’s straight out of a movie! How did this picture perfect place come to be? Mr. Clean Can has the answer to this, and is excited to share the history behind Celebration, FL with you!
A Town Designed By Disney
Founded in 1996, Celebration was actually dreamt up and created by the Walt Disney Company. The plan for Celebration was to experiment in community planning. It was also meant to be a place for its residents to live and work.
In the beginning, while Celebration was still owned by the Walt Disney Company, it was called Disney’s Town of Celebration. After Disney announced they would be creating this community, they decided to hold a lottery that would allow them to decide who all would get to be the first residents. The very first family moved in to Celebration on June 18, 1996. However, the community’s Founders Day is a few months later on November 12, 1996. This was when the downtown area of Celebration was completed!
With the dream of Celebration being a place to live and work, many office buildings, businesses, restaurants, and so on would become part of this charming community. In fact, Disney Cruise Line headquarters is located here. You’ll also find 5,051 homes, a hospital, two public grade schools, a public library, public parks, walking trails, and so much more!
What Does Celebration Look Like Today?
The Walt Disney Company no longer owns Celebration, although they were the ones who started it. However, the dream of a community where you can live and work still continues to this day! As of 2019, the population of Celebration was 9,923, and it continues to grow. The median household income in 2019 was $86,767 and median property value was roughly $440,000.
With beautiful homes that look like they’re out of a movie, a downtown area that is quaint and full of great shops and restaurants, who wouldn’t want to be a part of the Celebration community?! Even if it isn’t a place you call home, it’s a great place to visit for a stroll downtown. Be sure to grab a bite to eat at one of the local restaurants, while taking in all of the beautiful scenery!