Summer BBQ Tips – Reduce the Mess and Still Impress
Summer BBQ season is fast approaching. We all love entertaining. But hosting a great summer BBQ doesn’t stop when your guests leave. Any great party usually means a messy yard. And a very dirty trash can.
The post BBQ doomsday cleanup of cups, cans, bottles, leftovers, and countless other line items can be a dreaded task…but it doesn’t have to be. Check out these helpful tips to reduce trash and cleanup time at your next gathering.
Your Summer BBQ Menu
Keep it simple. Sandwiches and finger foods are the best way to cut down on the use of plates and plastic utensils at your summer BBQ. Cocktail napkins and toothpicks are a great alternative to cut down on those sloppy plates plastered against the inside of your trash bin until pickup day.
But remember… simple doesn’t have to mean boring. You can still have the neighborhood buzzing about your famous sweet BBQ meatballs and mushroom bacon kabobs! Check out some great finger food ideas HERE.
Party Pitchers – Serve Beverages in Bulk
Save yourself some of the bottles, cans, and sticky liquids leaking to the bottom of your recycling bins. Make pitchers of Iced Tea, Lemonade or Summer Punches. Try a new pitcher cocktail recipe or make a summer sangria for your guests. Check out some great summer pitcher cocktails HERE.
Have a Plan for Leftovers
The biggest fear of any great host or hostess is running out of food. We must always be prepared for additional guests and neighbors joining the fun. You may extend a last minute invite to a few co-workers on Friday afternoon. Your brother in law wants to bring his new girlfriend. Your daughter accidentally invited her entire soccer team. It’s happened before. It’ll happen again.
Great hosts are always prepared and this means leftovers. It is too often that we end up throwing away half of a crock pot of pulled pork or three pounds of your neighbor Carol’s ‘famous’ potato salad.
Have plan. Invite your guests to take leftovers home. Many will decline. Do something fun and creative to change their tune. Leave out dollar store takeout containers like the ones pictured and allow your guests to make their own ‘to go’ boxes. Reduce waste and impress your friends and family with your creativity. Your trash can will thank you as well…
A summer BBQ should be as fun and stress free as possible. You shouldn’t have to worry about half eaten ribs and corn on the cob stinking up your trash cans… or the group of pesky critters plotting to make it their next meal. Let the Clean Cans team do the dirty work and keep your cans fresh all summer long.